Through our integrated services, we contribute to the bottom line by helping our clients to brand and market themselves in a way that is truly authentic, yet stands out in the marketplace.
Stand out from the crowd with a brand that is authentic and well understood
Know what you stand for and the qualities you want to be known for
Have a brand that everybody buys into and is proud of
Ensure your behaviours match the promise of your brand values
Save money by being consistent in everything you do
Brands define and differentiate a company, a product or a service. That’s why its look, what it stands for and how it’s presented to the world are so critical.
We can help you refresh your brand or develop something entirely new. And we’re not simply talking about logo creation. Over the years we’ve created a robust process to help determine a brand, what it signifies and, more importantly, what it has to deliver. We work hard alongside our clients to understand their business critical objectives and help them achieve success.
Bringing the brand to life relies on buy-in – both inside and outside the company. Our BRAND it and RESEARCH it products are a sure-fire way of ensuring that critical audiences have ample opportunity to define and shape your brand in a way that is truly authentic to your business.
We overlay this insight and the strategic aspects of the brand development programme with creative excellence to ensure the brands we develop have value and integrity, right from the start.
Once in place, we can help you to embed the brand amongst all your audiences through a range of tactical and strategic communications activity.

Communicate with clarity and conviction
Turn words into all-important action
Use every channel in an engaging and strategic way
Engage with the right people in the right way
Get years of in-house experience on your side
The communications landscape has shifted dramatically in recent years. It’s more frenetic and more complex. Social media has opened up possibilities, opportunities – and threats – that simply did not exist even a few years ago. Yet the fundamental principle remains the same – to shape the way people see and experience your brand.
We believe that understanding your business strategy from the outset leads to a well thought-out, logical path to your desired outcome, using a mix of tactical communication channels. It’s our job to create messages, compellingly written and delivered with conviction in an integrated way across multiple channels.
That’s why we have developed our MESSAGE it workshop to help you to devise messages that are clear and differentiated.
Taking an investigative approach gives us the necessary depth of insight to develop a proposal that delivers tangible and measurable results. We don’t go in for guesswork or fluffy solutions. Our level-headed approach reflects our understanding of the competitive nature of business today.
Whilst detailed planning is essential, effective implementation is what delivers real results. Here we excel, applying the talents of our highly experienced strategic and creative team to address the needs of each and every stakeholder.
Get people to take notice
Excite and enthuse through the power of words
Create a style you can call your own
Be accessible and relevant
Be clear and consistent across every channel
When words are your passion, copywriting for clients can be an indulgent pleasure. However, we regard copywriting as strategic as any other service that we offer. It’s only by first fully understanding your business, your communications objectives and your company’s tone of voice that we can begin to write copy that will persuade, engage or excite your audiences.
And when it boils down to it, our expertise goes way beyond traditional copywriting. We specialise in the structuring and creative direction of key communication collateral, right down to the medium selection, the sequencing of layouts, headline positions and the overall content and visual pace.
Equally the diversity of our copywriting for clients speaks for itself. Whatever you need, the likelihood is we’ve done it – everything from websites, apps, billboard and press adverts, blogs, advertorials, audio-visual scripts, white papers, case studies, speeches, annual reviews, brochures, magazine features and thought-leadership ghost writing.
We are often asked to help marketing and internal communications teams to enhance their own copywriting skills as well. So if you feel your team could benefit from sharpening their pencils, you might be interested in our WRITE it and REPORT it training courses that we can adapt and run specifically to suit your needs.

Stay one step ahead of the competition
Develop a strategy with intelligence and insight
Create headlines and campaigns that get you noticed
Distinguish between audiences that have a direct impact and those who influence
Use the right channels at the right time in an imaginative way
Effective marketing has never been so important – or complex. But it’s a challenge we can help you tackle head-on. Our end game is to work together to create strategies and integrated campaigns that deliver results, time and time again.
We use a number of products and techniques to get a complete picture of your business – your offer, your target audience, your market and the things that make you different from the competition.
Then we apply our TARGET it and CHANNEL it models to identify who you need to talk to and the best ways to reach them. The study of your brand also ensures we deliver a consistent tone of voice throughout.
It’s our job to create messages that grab attention – and ultimately get people to act. Our MESSAGE it workshop will map out every important relationship for your business and develop bespoke messages that we can use to reinforce your offer at every opportunity.
When you combine powerful insight with strategic thinking and creativity, you get the right strategy or solution delivered in the right way. We’ve helped to create some great work with our clients – everything from full end-to-end strategies to focused tactical campaigns. Our team represents all the skills you’ll need to deliver your marketing activity with intelligence, precision and professionalism.
Use insight to drive innovation within your business
Get on top of the issues and trends
Understand your audiences from the inside out
Pre-empt and plan for any potential rocks in the road
Know what works and what doesn’t before you hit the street
Whether you’re selling a product, building a reputation, want to bring about change or simply want to check the climate of opinion, research and data analytics is the best way to get the insight and direction you need.
Through our RESEARCH it range of products, we offer proven techniques and methodologies that will explore the core of any business critical issue or go-to-market initiative. We align business knowledge and flexible analytical solutions to ensure the output generated leads to strategies and targeted campaigns that truly hit the mark.
We’ve worked on a range of research programmes with differing objectives – from citizen engagement on social issues, the robustness of advertising campaigns and transformation-led employee engagement workshops through to planning the next five years of a client’s strategy.
Getting to the heart of any matter can be daunting but it’s a challenge we’re happy to hit head-on. We’ll identify the right stakeholders first through our TARGET it model and then gather the true insight of their views in the most appropriate way. Any future engagement, through whatever medium, is then guaranteed to be authentic and impactful.

Get your messages right – and in front of the people that matter
Manage an issue before it becomes a crisis
Build long-lasting, effective relationships with the media
Create a cohesive online strategy
Be a confident and believable spokesperson for your business
The media – friend or foe? Risk or opportunity? That depends on your communications objectives, your product and your profile. There are thousands of print, broadcasting and online channels out there, many of which are already precisely targeted at people you want – or need – to influence.
We understand how the media operates, what they expect and how to satisfy their needs in the digital age. With this insight we work with you to develop an individual strategy building appropriate relationships that enable you to communicate effectively using these influential delivery channels.
And it’s a rapidly changing world – the exponential rise in social media and its impact on business is a great example. It’s our job to help you embrace these new channels as further opportunities to get your messages across. We believe it’s part of a growing need for a cohesive and organic online communications strategy that should complement and reinforce more traditional methods.
With the benefit of so much in-house experience, we are just as adept at devising positive, promotional campaigns as we are at defending and managing difficult or escalating issues. Our media training product VOICE it prepares you and your colleagues for that all-important interview, turning inherent risk into big opportunity.
Employee Engagement
Motivate and enthuse your people through the power of shared understanding
Gauge the general mood ahead of change
Set out a roadmap for people to follow
Talk their language and communicate like a leader
Create relevance, clarity and purpose
It’s so often said but remains true – an organisation’s most important asset is its people. In today’s connected world, it has never been easier or more important for your people to be your ambassadors.
Smart companies recognise this and we help them to engage effectively with their employees to create a motivated, committed and loyal team. At Stratia, we truly believe that creating a unified understanding of business objectives and developing a happy working environment makes a real difference to the bottom line. We’ve worked with many organisations to align their brand, culture and vision with their people.
By focusing on ‘engagement with’ rather than ‘communicating to’, we encourage internal behaviours and processes amongst your people that best reflect the shared values of an organisation, ensuring external expectations are met.
We’ve produced many creative, exciting pieces of communication for various clients with the aim of connecting with their employees. They all have three things in common – keep it simple, talk their language and make it relevant.
The scope of our service runs as deep as you want or need it to. We can either start at grass roots level or simply audit and improve existing processes and channels of delivery, applying latest best practice techniques.

Create differentiated market development messages
Map out a tactical plan of engagement on the ‘green’ credentials of your products and services
Target key influencers with a topical media outreach program
Integrate social and traditional communication channels in an engaging way
Create a series of compelling case studies that showcase your contribution to sustainable development
We’ve worked in some very challenging industries over the years and during that time we’ve seen the sustainability agenda gather momentum year on year.
From the early days of sustainability reporting, companies are finding new and innovative ways to demonstrate their ‘green’ credentials. And we’re helping them to do it in a robust and evidence-based way.
When you dig beneath the features of a product or service, there is often a whole new story to tell about how it also contributes to sustainable development, thereby adding value longer term.
It’s giving organisations the competitive edge as well as a new platform to engage with key stakeholders. We help clients to define and deliver their sustainability communication and messaging. And we help them to share their sustainability story in a strategic and integrated way through different kinds of media.
More recently, we’ve also partnered with specialist sustainability companies to conduct in-depth Life Cycle Assessments – providing further evidence and validity to underpin our clients’ messaging. And because we want our clients to stay ahead of the game, we keep a watching brief on emerging trends and new regulations.